Are you someone that is known in your community and has the courage to stand up for the people, perhaps a small or medium business owner or farmer in your Congressional district?
Are you ready to make a historical impact on this country and benefit your long term interest? We will help President Trump win the House for 2026 so he is not stopped in his tracks by Democrats and RINOs.
One of the biggest concerns for all candidates is raising money. Historically, most races are won by sell out Republicans and Democrats that get money from massive corporations. Our movement is going to be funded by small and medium businesses and the voters. That's who we are representing. We are looking for coachable candidates that are driven to win and will be on board with an America First agenda.
If you can do the things above, we are going to give you financial support. If you are in a winnable Congressional District, we want to put our money towards you. The support you receive from us will be on top of what you raise on your own. You cannot count on the Republican Party in California to support you if you are an America First candidate in 2025. We are circumventing them and raising our own money to represent farmers, small and medium businesses, and the people.
Donors at all levels have stopped contributing to the Republican Party because they don't win, voters don't trust them, and they know the party is going in the wrong direction. The timing has never been better to gain momentum for our movement. With the Federal Government on President Trump's side, along with companies like the Heritage Foundation coming into California with their hundreds of millions of dollars and sea of attorneys to back us we can secure the House for President Trump in 2026. You should also know that the California Republican Assembly also backs and supports our movement. They have fortified community leadership throughout the state and those leaders are on board.
If you are or were running for the money, to be famous, to go out to fancy dinners with people who think they are smart, we are not the organization for you. We are looking for the people that have nothing in this for themselves and are willing to look beyond themselves for the needs of this movement.
Leaders are not the people who go to the most important leadership conferences, hand around with the "cool" crowd, or have a bunch of money. They are the people that are principled and disciplined and will fend off all those that attempt to lure them off the track and away from the goal. Ask yourself if you are this person. If you are, we want to talk with you.