The Los Angeles and Palisade fires illuminated major inadequacies in California's leadership. Many of the victims have paid their fair share of taxes, contributed to their communities and now, right when they need help the most, they are left to fend for themselves by a broken political system.
It has become increasingly obvious over the past four years that politicians have a stranglehold on water in California. Between eliminating reservoirs throughout the state and strict water laws for farmers, citizens and farmers alike are feeling the effects of a war that leverages water against Californians and benefits politicians.
The fires pulled the curtains back on the failures of California bureaucrats and their mismanagement of our taxes for forest management and water allocation. Californians have come to the realization that politics as usual cannot continue.
The Cal First PAC is here to wash out California's dirty politicians, put community leaders in place that are America First, and win congressional seats. President Trump can win the House in 2026 and prevent politicians on the left and right (the establishment) from ambushing him and us. When he help get congressional seats in California and President Trump wins the House, it will help all Californians, including the fire victims.
The beautiful thing about promoting reservoir use is that not only will LA be safer, but all of California. We can also help farmers decrease the cost of our food with proper water management. President Trump will kill two political birds with one stone.
The board of Cal First PAC extends their deepest condolences to those who lost their homes and properties in the Palisades and LA fires. We believe our movement can and will have an impact to help prevent devastating situations like this from ever happening again. It’s through your support that this will happen. We need financial support, yes, but we also really need leaders in these communities to step up and be voices for our movement. Citizens who are genuinely concerned and fearless and who want to have a historic impact in California.
With you, we can turn the fire tragedies across the state into something that truly transforms California back to its safe, pristine, and prosperous state.