Farmers for Trump

We need reservoirs for fire protection AND for cheaper food prices. We have more food when farmers get more water. More efficient crops, grocery bills, restaurant tabs, etc. all these prices would go down dramatically.   
  • Large AG Operations have massive teams of lobbyists in California and across the nation. This said, small and medium farms receive a small fraction of value. The laws lobbyists make actually work against small and medium farmers.

    The second largest lobby in the United States is the farm lobby. That lobby represents massive agricultural processors and farmers for the most part. The California Farm Bureau gives a substantial amount of money to both Democrats and Republicans. They like their subsidies and they like their guns and faith, so they play both sides. This said, almost all of the AG lobbying efforts support ridiculously large AG operations.

    Do you think the lobbyists and large AG operations make laws and leverage water over small and medium farmers? Small and medium farmers have a choice of which rice processor or almond processor they use, so they can use their buying power to create pressure on large processors and middlemen to support President Trump and help California.

    Small and medium farmers know that President Trump is not beholding to either political side and that supporting him is their best bet. They can do this by giving their business to hullers, for example, that give money or support President Trump and DON'T GIVE MONEY to other candidates. Groups of these farmers can follow the money and go to these processors and say "No more. I can get the same price over here and they support President Trump." This is where the small and medium farmer has real leverage and power.

  • Should we start a small and medium-sized farmer lobbying group?

    It's probably a no brainer. We should get one in every state. Together, consumers would benefit and your farms would thrive. Supporting this PAC will be the first step in having all of these movements moving in a parallel directions and coming together in the upcoming years. There is no band-aid. In it to win it, yes, but it will take a time. We are all in for the grind, not going anywhere, staying in California, and fighting with fire.  

  • How does the California Farm Bureau fit in to this equation?

    Their board is made up of a business owners and politicians who have their own interests in mind. What does it tell you if they recently raised membership dues on the larger AG operations and partners? Do you think the Farm Bureau knows who needs them? The Farm Bureau does not support voters or small and medium farmers. Together we can unravel their leverage.

  • Where is the most impactful and leveraged focus to represent small and medium farmers?  How can the small and medium farmers loosen the stronghold from the Farm Bureau?

    They can pull their money from processors and other large companies and farms and put it to work with our group to keep the House for President Trump. Starting our own lobbying efforts that provide support for our farming operations is also not a horrible idea. When they understand you are together and that you are willing to throw money into the fight, that is when you will make big strides. You may have given up recently of campaign contributions because you have had horrible results or things seemed hopeless, but it is a new day and age as your federal government is listening and the establishment Republicans and Democrats are down. There has NEVER been a time that is more opportune in the last 30-40 years than right now. We will support your America First candidates!

  • Are there large farmers in California that have the courage, vision, and unselfishness to take hits from their former RINO friends to come over to the Cal First PAC and the America First movement? To support this presidency and try to break the hold the Democrats have on RINOs in CA, and as a result, increase the quality of life of Californians in terms of water costs, food costs, energy costs, and more?

    As a matter of fact, our board includes two of the more influential large farming operations in the state of California that have assisted candidates for years. Aaron Martella, CEO of a large international hulling and distribution company, said "California needs a different look politically. It is time to give all the farmers and voters another choice. What has been going on has had a gradual slide for decades and we see no indication that this trend is turning around. Most of the farmers we work with support this presidency and want change and things to improve for our once great state. Honestly, the state is a mess and it is time to shake things up."

    If the voters and small and medium farmers understood the heat these men are going to receive from many of the organizations and politicians they've supported in the past, they would be very grateful for these leaders. Leaders are not the people that go to leadership courses, they are the people that stand for something in the face of dissention, follow through with their word, and bring everybody along for the spoils in the future. Pain in temporary, pride and winning are forever. More large farmers will follow and the voters and folks that work with these gentlemen will respect and follow them and us in this movement.